Senior Capstone 2012 HIV/AIDS

This is blog was made with the purpose to reach the world and have an amazing experience volunteering and learning a little bit more from the stories shared everyday by people living with HIV/AIDS.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Video of Word AIDS Day!

Hope you enjoy!

Senior Night!!

Senior Night went fabulous! I didn't even get a break to drink water but it was worth! I am really happy that there were people and specially middle school students, that were really interested in my project! It was a total success for me. The event at a whole was amazing, every project shined on its on! I thanks Chris and Mr. Pete for coming and my parents for supporting me!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

HIV Quick Oral Tests at the VA

This is how the quick oral test looks like. The 2 tests at the left show numbers and they are used to know whose test that was, by giving each person a different number. 

This is some more oral test for HIV at the office in the VA. As it shows each test are put in a container that has liquid that reacts if the person has HIV.

This is how they is how the test looks closely. It shows 2 arrows the first one at the top is a "C" and it indicates if the person is HIV-Negative. The "T" at bottom indicates if the person is HIV-Positive. All of this three tests are negative.   

Video testimonial from Chris for

You Can Find more testimonies like Chris' at The website is also in my linked pages where it says visit! it is the one that says "Local Voice"


First Part!


This is some of the brochures of information that he has at the center where he has meetings with hes group!
I will be having some of this brochures in my presentation!

Chris & I

This picture was taken on Monday November 28, 2011 at the meeting with Chris.
This was the first time I met with him and got to interview him. He is very funny! I remember he said that he was the youngest one in the picture before it was taken.

Self Evaluation 12/1

This week I would give myself a 100 because everything came out as I planned it and even better.I had the opportunity to present in the School meeting and also volunteer in Worlds AIDS day. This week I learned a lot and I got more mature in terms of making this project better. I am really happy that everything came out good this week! :)

World AIDS Day 12/1/11

On Thursday December 1, 2011, I invited Chris to the school assembly, where I have to talk and he shared his experience and how it is to live with HIV/AIDS. In the auditorium I was real nervous and at some parts I was running out of words but I think that I got to delivered my message to the students that even thought Capstone is a class that many would think that you don't do anything in there, but is not true in that class you actually get to make a project a big thing and as I said in the auditorium "Capstone is WHATEVER you want it to be," but even thought I kinda forgot what to say, I think at the end it was a success so I am really proud of myself and what I did because right when I was leaving the school a classmate of I came to me and asked me where could he get tested, that made me realize that after all this project would help out and I'm trying really hard to make a difference.

This day Ismael and I got to help out at the VA and my first job was to get people that was passing by to get tested for free and have the opportunity to know their statues, some of the people that I talked to about HIV/AIDS what were we doing that day, got a little upset, others were rude and others were nice and actually got tested. For my luck the first person I talked to was actually really nice and he got tested, but I was also putting bags together with information, candy, pill reminders, and many other goodies some of the bags also had small pocket bags of Kleenex inside of them to give to the people that was getting tested for HIV. Together we got to set up about 250 bags with goodies inside (even with me taking some candy, but if you're reading this don't tell because this is confidential). In the VA I also got to see how many people were getting tested and I glad to see that so many people were getting tested but it was also sad how almost no young people actually got tested. While observing how people were getting tested, I also notice that people from different races and different parts of world and some with different social class, were still there to get tested. At the VA I also got to meet Chris' doctor, who I invited to senior night and I hope that she gets the opportunity to be present at this event, Furthermore I believe that the work at the VA was a real success for us that put this together and the whole world because now many more people can know if they are HIV positive or not and if they are, they have the opportunity to start treating it, because the soonest you start treating it, the better it is.

After we finished at the VA, we went to Thomas Street Health Center and in the way Chris was telling that this center only treats people with HIV and once we got there I got the opportunity to meet amazing people that live with HIV and look very healthy that I couldn't even tell they were actually HIV-Positive, but as well in the building they had many events going and also many tables set up with HIV information and little red ribbons and many other stuff. This building has four floors with their different areas, where the doctors have their office, I'm not really sure but I think that it is either in the Third or Fourth floor where the different research on HIV/AIDS are being made. I only had the opportunity to go to the first and second floor but it was also good because I got to the different table in the hospital and learn a little more as I moved from table to table.

At 2:00 pm the Thomas Street Health Center had a program for their 12th Annual World AIDS Day that ended at 3:00 pm. At this programs I got to meet a lot of great people who think that my project is great and that I should keep up to work like this.I was also invited to go to the center and volunteer and this I could learn more and be there when the HIV research goes on and also having the opportunity to met more people that have HIV and see if I could get to build a relationship with them, to the point where they can share their stories with me. Mr. Pete Rodriguez the director of the center suggested me to try joining a Latina group of women who doesn't speak English but are always there willing to help and always present in the events. Joining this group would be a great honor for me. While the speakers of the center were talking I found one more global connection of the many different people, of many different races, speaking a different language were all there together in a room sharing their experiences and how they had survive. I also learned to difficult it is for even the doctors to tell their patient that they are infected with HIV. The Thomas Street Center also has a program where they want to get to "Zero" which means "Zero new HIV-Infection, Zero Discrimination, and Zero HIV Deaths" all the people in that room, want to see this happen, they all want to get to zero and so do I. When the program ended I was really touched with all the stories and the experiences that were told in that room. After that I went down to the entrance of the center where they had a Christmas that is decorated with red ribbons and a photo of someone that has died with HIV/AIDS.

World AIDS day is really important and I came home with a lot of information that I'm always willing to share but most of all I came back home happy because I know I became part of something important  and because helping others and educating makes me happy but most of all I am happy that now I am part of a new family. As a conclusion this experience make me more open-minded to the world and also it showed me that I can always make a difference in the world. 

Meeting with Chirs, Monday Novermber 28, 2011

Today I got to have an awesome experience, bacause after school I met with Chris and I got to interview him and I learned more than what I expected. It was a real important interview for me because I know that this would be the first step to gain more knowledge and to be more involved with groups who work with people that are infected with HIV/AIDS. Chris allowed me to understand more about the lives of people living with HIV/AIDS and how important it is to educate others. I also learned that even  if someone has HIV/AIDS they can live a healthy, normal life.

Self Evaluation 11/18

for this week I would give myself a 90 because I contacted the AIDS Center where the lady who answer the phone gave me the number of Chris, who would help me and would let me interview him and learn more.

Self Evaluation 11/11

For this week I would give myself a 80 because even thought I been trying to find somewhere to volunteer I still haven't and that is not a success so I'm very worry that I wont get to find any body, so I deserve a 80 this week.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Research Paper

Research Paper

HIV/AIDS PowerPoint

View more presentations or Upload your own.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preventing HIV Through Testing, Care and Treatment

If you go to this website, it would show the different type of medication and how people with HIV/AIDS survive with treatment.

Ideas for final project (background)

I started learning about HIV/AIDS 2 years ago from my Biology teacher Ms. Kerner, which I thanks her, because after that lesson, I thought learning about HIV/AIDS and the stories that people tell, they are fascinating. After that year I thought about that but I didn't have the opportunity to do something, but once I got to my Junior year and I saw the senior doing their Capstone Projects and I learned more about what this project was and there is when I first thought about doing my capstone about HIV/AIDS. By the end of the year I got the opportunity to do more research about this topic and actually creating a project. For my final project for Computer Class with Ms. Johnson, I did much more research and became more familiar with this topic and as I did my research and learned more about this, I realize that I love learning more about this and actually getting involve with people who has HIV/AIDS would be a great experience.


Before I got to where I am right now, I was in a partnership with Jakole Jones, but as the project started everything seemed like it was going to go well and that we were the perfect partners to make the project happen at its best. As time went on Jakole and I had different expectations of what we wanted to do with this project. As in many projects we started to have discussions of what to do, but what I wanted was a whole different thing. I wanted to make this Capstone project mine and have my own experience while spreading awareness also. As far as now we broke up the relationships because it wasn't working and we wanted different things, so now I am volunteering with a group of people who had dedicated their past few years of their lives to volunteer and spread awareness. Now my project is going great and i enjoy what I'm doing.

HIV/AIDS Article!

If you go to this website you will found an article that is called "STILL FIGHTING AGAINST AIDS" 
please read it, is an amazing report!

November calender!

Check out this website is the calender of November and the activities perform this month!

Check out this Website!! it tells stories of people living with HIV/AIDS

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This would be the new HIV/AIDS blog.

Self Evaluation 10/27

This week I would give myself a 100 because I been working hard on my project to get everything done and I have also been trying to talk to Mr. Cohen, he is in charge of taking to the people who is going to volunteer. I have already plan out how my final presentation would be and what i will be doing for it.